Welcome Reception Sept. 17, 2015, Fine Arts bldg rm 559 4:pm
Department of Africana Studies
Dear Students, Staff, Faculty, and Friends of the Department of Africana Studies,
To celebrate the beginning of another exciting year in AFST at UMBC, I invite you to attend the 2015 Welcome Reception on Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Fine Arts 559. The reception begins at 4 pm.
Come see our new location in Fine Arts. Come meet new and returning AFST majors and minors. Come meet the dynamic AFST faculty and staff.
Come hear about the fall 2015 course offerings, the 2015 W.E.B. Du Bois Lecture featuring MacArthur Fellow and acclaimed novelist Dinaw Mengestu, new publications and presentations by AFST faculty, and come hear about other happenings in the Department.
Refreshments will be served.
All are welcome. Feel free to share this with other students and colleagues who may be interesting in attending.
No need to RSVP. We’ll see you there.
Best wishes for a great year!
Posted: September 14, 2015, 1:55 PM